a Java assignment creating a Hangman game using classes and inheritance

I want to create a Hangman class that extends another class that calls all the class methods from the other class. I've got a few things down but I'm still stuck. Here's what I have so far.


public class Hang < /** * Returns a lowercase version of a user-entered letter * * @param kbd input stream from which the letter is read * @return a lowercase version of a user-entered letter */ public static char getNewGuess(Scanner kbd) < char newchar = '?'; System.out.print("Enter your new guess>"); while (!Character.isLetter(newchar)) < newchar = kbd.next().charAt(0); if (!Character.isLetter(newchar)) < System.out.print("Your character must be a letter. Please enter again>"); > > return Character.toLowerCase(newchar); > /** * Plays the game of Hangman using a HangWord object * * @param args not used */ public static void main(String[] args) < HangWord game = new HangWord('*', 8); char newGuess; Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in); boolean done = false; while (!done) < boolean gameOver = false; while (!gameOver) < game.displayGuess(); newGuess = getNewGuess(kbd); game.updateWord(newGuess); //gameOver = game.win() || game.lose(); >System.out.print("Do you want to play again (Y/N) => "); char answer = kbd.next().toLowerCase().charAt(0); if (answer == 'y') < //game.clear(); >else < done = true; >> > > 

So this is the main class that I essentially have to use to create the second class that does all the methods displayGuess , win , lose , etc. I'm stuck with how some of the methods in my other class don't work. So I'm hoping somebody can takes a look and see what I've done wrong.


/** * HangWord class that uses inheritance to complete Hang.java * * @field symbol - the symbol used for the hidden/correct word * @field tries - amount of tries given * @variable wordList - the wordList used to choose words */ public class HangWord extends Hang < private char symbol; private int tries; String[] wordList = ; Random randGen = new Random(); public HangWord(char S, int t) < symbol = S; tries = 0; >public void setName(char S) < symbol = S; >public char getSymbol() < return symbol; >public void setTries(int t) < tries = t; >public int getTries() < return tries; >/** * uses the wordList to select a random word from the arraylist of words. * * @param none * @returns the randomly selected word from the wordList in the constructor */ public String getWord() < int len = wordList.length; int index = randGen.nextInt(len); String word = wordList[index]; return word; >/** * Displays the guess in the selected symbol used. */ public void displayGuess() < String guess = ""; String s = getWord(); int length = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) < guess += String.valueOf(symbol); >System.out.println("Guess:" + guess); > /** * Updates the correct word with the letter correctly guessed in the word, replacing the symbol with the letter. * * @param a - the letter guessed from user input that is used to update the hidden word used in displayGuess */ public void updateWord(char a) < String s = getWord(); char[] word = new char[s.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) < if (s.charAt(i) == a) < word[i] = a; >else < word[i] = s.charAt(i); System.out.println("Sorry. " + a + "is not in the word"); >String newWord = String.valueOf(word); > > > 

** This is specifically from the displayGuess and updateWord methods. When I check the output to see if something is running correctly I get this output

Guess:***** Enter your new guess> f Sorry. fis not in the word Sorry. fis not in the word Sorry. fis not in the word Sorry. fis not in the word Sorry. fis not in the word Guess:***** Enter your new guess> 

I'm guessing I used some wrong variables because it's supposed to replace the symbol '*' with the letter guessed but it doesn't do that. Everything else I haven't really done yet as I'm still working on this.