Income Tax Treaties, Agreements, and MLI

Current Status of U.S. Tax Treaties and International Tax Agreements

This article catalogs the current status of U.S. tax treaties and international tax agreements.

This article covers: Income tax treaties, Estate/gift tax treaties, Tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs), FATCA intergovernmental agreements (FATCA IGAs), Reciprocal shipping/aviation agreements, and Social security totalization agreements.

U.S. Income Tax Treaties

The following articles by KPMG Tax professionals were published by Tax Analysts in Tax News International. The articles provide flowcharts to assist practitioners in determining a company's eligibility for treaty benefits under the limitation on benefits provisions of the specific U.S. income tax treaties and, where applicable, in determining eligibility for a 0 percent withholding tax rate on cross-border intercompany dividend payments to the company.

Eligibility for Treaty Benefits

New Zealand - U.S.

BEPS Action 15 – MLI to Modify Bilateral Treaties

MLI: Country Implementation Summary

Overview of countries that intend to sign, or have already signed, the OECD's BEPS Action 15 Multilateral Instrument (MLI)

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Jason Connery Principal, Tax, KPMG US

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Seth Green Principal, Co-lead International Tax, Washington National Tax, KPMG US

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Jason Connery Principal, Tax, KPMG US

Image of Seth Green

Seth Green Principal, Co-lead International Tax, Washington National Tax, KPMG US Learn about us:

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